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He remembers

Hebrews 6:10

For God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you showed for His Name when you served the saints - and you continue to serve them.

Hello there! How is your midweek going so far? I am enjoying the warmer weather and being outside. If you were sitting her on my patio, we can enjoy the brilliant pink geranium in the white planter here. Flowers are super happy to me. Opening the windows and feeling the breeze is just good for the soul. Many people might say the past year has brought out good in people and for some, yes, we have seen graciousness and generosity. Some might say it has caused discouragement or discontent, which is true as well. Have you felt a little of both?

It is tough to serve others for Jesus when it is not immediately rewarded or people do not respond with gladness or gratitude, right? It can be downright discouraging if we are honest. It is fun to serve Jesus when people respond well and we can feel happy inside. It sure is more difficult to serve and love others when they refuse to love back or your kindness goes unnoticed.

Here is the encouragement today! God always remembers and He always sees - nothing goes unnoticed by our heavenly Father. This is a comfort to me for anything in life. Before we even tell Him what is happening in our day, He already knows AND He knows exactly how we feel! I love this! God’s faithfulness helps me continue to love and serve others even when I have difficulties.

I feel like there are some of us girls out there who need a little encouragement to lift their heads and spirits. Thank you to those who are kind to servers at restaurants, neighbors, and those around us in town. Church is not immune from discouragement either. We can often serve others in church and feel defeated. Thank you for leading in small groups and teaching others about God through His Word, even when there is no recognition. It means a lot to people when someone is willing to be faithful each week to study and teach a lesson or greet people in the parking lot. God sees it and He loves you.

Continue to serve and love others, even when the circumstances are unfavorable. God remembers you and is faithful even when people are not! He will give you energy when you are just not feelin’ it. He will lift up your head when you need it. I hope you feel a little lighter and brighter by hearing these words from Hebrews! You are so loved!




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