fresh starts and new mercies
It’s a new month which kind of feels like a small fresh start and back-to-school season, which is always a big fresh start! Even for those of us not personally attending new classes and meeting new teachers, it is still a really nice opportunity to begin new routines and feel renewed. It’s also almost pumpkin time, my favorite time of year!
I LOVE sharp, new pencils and colors are so fun!
I wiped July 2021 clean off my calendar to make room for August and all this month will bring. It feels nice to put that month to rest and look forward to new. I remember Anne of Green Gables saying, “Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it.” Thankfully, since we know mistakes will come, we can remember
Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end.
They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness!
Lamentations 3:22-23
How glad I am to know that He gives me grace and mercy everyday because I know I will need it!
It's a new month!
Along with all the fresh start feelings in the air, we have been getting school supplies cleaned out, sorted, and set out again. We have tossed dry markers, crayon nubs, and crumbly play dough. We received most of our school books and have placed them on the shelves. Does anyone LOVE the smell of books? It is one of the best smells out there.
Here is a sample of the stuff as we began organizing all the stuff!
We have a small space right at the front door that works as my sewing/writing/photography/office area and now share it with school stuff. It is a little tight, especially with only one full wall to put visuals on, but we are making it work as best we can. Our maps spread out school into the front hallway, but it is what it is! The main problem with this room is I can hear every breath from anyone upstairs. When someone sneezes upstairs it shakes the whole house! Sometimes I just have to put in my AirPods and hope for the best.
Found some affordable white bins at Ikea to keep all the school supplies, art supplies, fabric scraps, photography supplies, and counseling resources hidden away!
Jenna is super excited to learn to read and I am super teary-eyed that school starts for her! After Kindergarten, there is no looking back!
When shopping for school supplies, I find it helpful to get a little happy for myself, after all, I am working hard too, so a tumbler that keeps drinks hot or cold is a perfect treat! If I have a hot drink, I will inevitably end up microwaving it a million times and still never drink it hot. Lids are also a plus - I know myself and spills are always a possibility. Lids for the win!
I love Tiffany blue!
I have no idea what this school year holds, and it has been a little difficult to feel motivated, but I know the One Who has it all under control and has mercy for me each day. I tell myself what I remind my clients - we take one day at a time, follow Him as closely as we can, and trust Him for the results. Are you taking time to spend with God each day? It sure is difficult at times (or seasons) to make that time, but it is so very worth it. I have had to rework my quiet time since the world closed last year and not everything is open. Instead of the gym, I work out on the back patio and have shifted my quiet time. I have to get more in before the rest of the house opens their eyes in the morning, which means my mornings have gotten earlier, even this summer. I admire everyone who works from home, especially with distractions at home! I work in my office at rest time and try to focus despite running, stomping, and the occasional brawl upstairs. How are you taking time for God this year?
Praying for you all as you take on a new season!