let's celebrate the mamas and mamas to be
Hello! Its the month of Mamas! Mom or not, how are you doing these days? No matter where you are, life sure has become quite…interesting, I suppose we could say. Regarding my place as mom, I feel busier now sheltering at home than I was before! Trying to meal plan while ordering groceries two weeks ahead, creating dinners from groceries that I was able to find, keeping these little gangstas, I mean, people, engaged instead of fighting…well, I have to sit back and laugh at the great stories we will remember in future years!
I am mama to girls ages six, five, four, two, and a boy who is three months. Yes, it seems crazy and it is, but it is also crazy fun. As their mommy, I am working my hardest to instill a love for Jesus and for people, so as they grow, they contribute glory to God and love for the precious people He created. I pray they will be five more people in the world to serve God. Some days seem a little more optimistic than others, but this is the direction we are going for.
Lately, we have been trying our chocolate chip cookie recipes to find our favorite. We have stayed busy with baking, laundry, cleaning out closets and drawers, and playing barefoot in the yard. The have fun moments of watching Bible stories on tv, dressing up as ballerinas, wearing leotards on Tuesdays for gymnastics until we get to return to classes. Slumber parties in blankets in the playroom happen on Friday nights and long bike rides on sunny days. Despite the jumping off furniture, screaming, chasing each other down the hallways, tears from much-needed naps, and taking ten breaks from simply trying to finish my lunch, I pray they know how much I love being their mom and they will always have my hand to hold. Funny as it sounds, these days are long and exhausting but the sun sets so quickly each day before we are given another sunrise. Time does not stay still and babies don’t keep, so remember to take time for people you love, especially your mama this month.
I laugh because I understand all the funny quirky saying from my own mother. I know why rest time every afternoon existed and why she wanted us to stay outside instead of acting like we had a revolving door running in and outside. I understand why I had to correct my papers in homeschool even when I was perfectly fine with a “C” on a test. I know how heartbreaking it is when girls are mean to my girl and there is nothing I can do to make it feel better.
Motherhood is the best, most exhausting in every way possible job out there, and we do it joyfully (most of the time) without pay or vacation days! Keep on going, mommies out there. God always gives us what we need right when we need it. I am getting better at remembering to ask Him for what I need throughout the day and keep that conversation going with my heavenly Father. He already knows how I feel before I tell him and He always understands what I need when I have no words.
I also have been blessed to work with moms who chose life for their babies and I admire them more than I can say. I have been able to send gifts from registries to some mamas from my region in Tenn. and although it seems like just a little bit, I pray it blesses them. I am so thankful to know these moms who are brave and strong as they choose to take on motherhood and raise sweet lives who reflect the image of God.
Some girls have no relationship with their moms or have a strained one. Some mamas did the best they could with what they knew and it has hurt the relationship with their children. If you have a difficult relationship with your own mother, I am praying you find peace and healing through Jesus. In counseling, we often discuss that in relationships sometimes being reconciled is better than being right.
Some ladies are waiting to adopt a valuable life and love them the rest of their lives. Waiting is tough and I pray for endurance in the process, trusting the best circumstances are to come. We celebrate you too, as you prepare your hearts to welcome a child into your home.
I want my girls and boy to know that I will always be cheering for them. They will always be welcome to walk right in the front door without knocking. I will always be ready to listen and give them my time. I know I fail everyday as I drag myself off the couch and up the stairs to bed. Despite the stress, frustrations, and occasional crazy mom moments, I pray they know I gave my very best. I know they will have best friends as they grow, but I pray one day, they will consider me her.
If you are not a mom yet, waiting on a little one, or waiting to take a precious life home through adoption, let’s celebrate the unique and irreplaceable role that God created with MOMS!