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January has been an exciting month at our house. If you know me, you know the pinks, florals, dresses, and bows are what we know in this house, as we have four daughters. I have been minimalizing, cleaning, and keeping the laundry done in preparation for baby boy, who was due January 30. The reaction to a new baby in the house complete with testosterone instead of the four estrogen-filled ladies who live here was mixed. The oldest, at six years old, cried. All is well after she met the little guy on Thursday, January 23 as she has learned to love him. She also thinks he’s “too cute.”

Deacon Warrick is named for what we hope and pray he will become. Deacon means “servant” and Warrick means “strong leader who defends.” One can be a servant and still a strong leader at the same time. We pray he, along with his four sisters, loves Jesus, and will allow Him to lead all the days of his life. January is also Sanctity of Life month, which meant even more this year, since I was in the hospital delivering little Deacon the day after January 22, a day set aside to celebrate the sanctity of life!

As I am writing this, I am snuggling baby boy and taking in the tiny little life in my arms. I realize the value of life is a polarizing subject. My counseling internship in seminary was at a crisis pregnancy resource center in Kansas City, Mo. I personally saw girls struggle with the decision to keep a baby to raise, allow another family to adopt the new life, or to snuff out the little life. Many girls struggled with lack of support for raising a child and financial difficulties. I met many brave, strong girls who kept their babies despite hardships they knew would come. Ladies are amazing and tenacious! They can finish school, attend college, work, all while supporting their sweet innocent babies.

Life is not valuable simply because the mother or father believes it to be, but because God created that life! Another person’s opinion does not give or take away value. As Christ-followers, we are called to defend those who cannot defend themselves.

Speak up for those who have no voice,

For the justice of all who are dispossessed.

Speak up, judge righteously,

and defend the cause of the oppressed and needy.

Proverbs 31:8-9

How do we know God has a plan for each life? How do we know God cares about each human being? We know we were created in His image and we also know that:

Your eyes saw me when I was formless;

All my days were written in your book and planned before a single one of them began.

Psalm 139:16

This verse inspired me to create a canvas I placed over his crib that says, “The world needs who God created you to be.” Imagine the world changers who will make a difference if they are given a chance at life. Every life, no matter the color, health, ability, or ethnicity is valuable. Jesus paid a high price - His life - for each of us to be able to choose to follow and live forever in heaven with Him.

This knowledge gives us hope that no matter what we are experiencing, He is near and is active in our lives. We are never alone and we know He will watch over us. It is the same for the lives of those future men and women who are tiny and voiceless. He has a unique personality for each one. He also has a plan for them that we get to discover as they grow, that we miss out on if they are not allowed to live. From life’s first precious cry to life’s final breath, God has a plan and purpose. Praise God for YOU, who is reading this right now. In case you need a reminder, God has a plan and purpose He is working in YOU. You were worth dying on the cross for and so are the lives of those souls who have not even breathed oxygen yet. I would like to share a few facts from Life Action News with you.

A preborn baby’s brain begins to form at two to three weeks, before most women even know they are expecting.

A baby’s heart begins beating at 18 days, again, before most women even know they are expecting.

At four weeks, facial features can be seen.

At six weeks, a baby senses touch and will react and move away when touched.

Preborn babies play while in the womb. They can yawn, suck their thumbs, and point their toes!

Preborn babies hide from abortion instruments.

Preborn babies experience pain and stress hormones rise just as they do in adults.

If you are curious what sanctity of life is all about or some organizations to look into, I am listing the following to begin with:

Students for Life:

This organization trains middle school, high school, college, medical school, and law school students to reach the generation with truth about the value of life across their campuses.

Focus on the Family:

This organization supports families through tangible resources and ministries to support those in every stage of life. They also provide a list of solid counselors in local areas to actually visit.

As Christ-followers we are called to act like Jesus and show His love. I encourage you to make the effort to get involved in supporting girls who experience an unplanned pregnancy and need help creating a plan to support their precious preborn lives they are expecting. Whether it is supporting financially, visiting the girls and offering companionship, or organizing diapers and clothes at a local resource center, find how you can help. These ladies truly need to know their is hope and they can have a life and be a mom at the same time.

I am enjoying all the snuggles, diaper changes, warm baths, fresh sleepers, adorable blankets, and innocence our new baby brings. Even the middle of the night feedings when I really have no functionality is worth it for the life God is using and will use as he grows.

Being a new mom of five, a wife, along with writing, counseling, doing laundry, creating healthful meals, teaching school to two at home, working out, and having a life is a task - and one I would never trade. What can I say? I love a challenge! We are strong women who, through the strength of our Father God, can be moms AND thrive in life too. Have a wonderful day and remember that YOUR life is valuable.

The Lord protects resident aliens and helps the fatherless and widow.

Psalm 146:9

Love, Charis

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