love and hugs
Hello loves! It’s amazing! “Baby Rae” is sleeping in the swing, one is sleeping, one is, I hope, sleeping, and the other is sort of quiet in the playroom. I have leftover starbucks – caramel macchiato to be specific – and I have a vanilla candle going. I am cheap so I like to get a drink at starbucks and drink half and save the other half for the next afternoon. What a treat! After all the rain we have had in Nashville, the sun and 70 degree weather here is a blessing! How is your day? During this month known for love, we have been talking about love at our house.
At the supper table the other night, my husband and I were talking about how someone in the news who had committed some horrific crime. Although we know it to be true, it is still surprising that for even the vilest criminals, Jesus died! School violence is a topic in media and in communities right now. My heart hurts for the families who have lost people – it was undeserved. We may not think so much about the violators of the crimes – my heart hurts for them too. What was so hopeless in their lives that they would hurt people? Don’t get me wrong, punishment is necessary and deserved. I am just so sad a human being, a person created by God, with hope at birth because of Jesus’s love would feel so hopeless.
“Sweet Baby Rae,” was born in December, and even though I have three other little ones, I forgot how tiny and innocent newborns are. They depend on their mommas for everything and cannot communicate their needs so they cry. They need basic needs met like milk, warm blankets, and baths, but also love. Hugs, holding, back rubs, and kind voices. It is so sad that criminals started out the same way. They were tiny babies once and needed love too. Were they not held by loving caretakers? Were they talked down to and made to believe they were worthless? Were they made fun of? Did they feel like failures? Hopelessness is the number one sign of suicide and I am sad any person feels this way. I watch crime shows and I often picture the offenders as little babies.
One point I remember from my seminary professors in counseling is that, even though we might counsel someone with an ankle bracelet on or someone with a record, every person is redeemable thanks to the blood of Jesus and His love for people. I am glad, because, truth be told, I am no better than anyone else. No matter what we have done, His love is greater than that! They are redeemable. Every. Single. Person.
Let His love reach you today. For someone who feels they are unlovable or have done too many bad things for Jesus to love them, please hear the Truth. He loves you and died for you. He would have died for you if you had been the only person on earth. He loves you!
I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.
Jeremiah 31:3
God bless you, sweet friends. Wherever you are, let us pray for those who need Jesus’s love. Let us also rejoice that He loves us too.
Love, Charis