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let's flip this thing

Hi, friend! As I led the discipleship group of teen girls who meet each Sunday night, we were discussing culture this past week. This semester we are discussing how to live in a counter-cultural way. Simply put, we want to live God's way, which, in many cases, happens to be counter-cultural. My goal for them is to present God's Word and help them learn to apply it to their lives so they can live it daily.

We all agreed we have to be aware of culture to make a difference in it. Awareness is the beginning. How can we affect the world with God's love and truth if we have no idea what is going on in it? Right, we can't! I know it's so easy to get preoccupied with what we are doing or our families are doing, but what lasts for eternity is what we do for Christ.

I am kind of nerdy, so even back in middle school, I kept current on news events, particularly those affecting families. Even in elementary school, when I was homeschooled, Dr. Dobson's Focus on the Family broadcast came on at what my mother fondly called "rest time." I listened every day to the topics he discussed with guests. This may have to do with my calling and choice to be a counselor! :) I still like to keep up with what is going on in the world.

What we do for Christ matters. Our lives are more than soccer games, school, work, or pleasure. At times I believe we are all tempted to be on the hedonistic side. After all, American culture is geared toward selfishness and doing whatever makes us feel good. I like to feel good, don't you? Give me a blanket, couch, cold weather, and Netflix, and I'm feeling pretty happy! Wait, though, here's where the counter-culture thing comes in. We are made for more than grasping at happiness. We are His children and are made for greater purposes than temporary worldly happiness. We can stay aware of what affects Christians around the world and become involved in organizations that stand for what God wants. I receive email updates from many organizations that help me keep current on events and stories I may miss on the news. Who has time for much tv? What can I say? Toddlers keep me busy! Several organizations I love and keep up with include the following: - international pro-life news report to stay aware of news regarding the sanctity of life, including legislature affecting this topic

Stand True Pro-Life Outreach ( - organization to stand up for life and work to save the lives of the unborn by awareness, rallies, education, and equipping

Focus on the Family ( - organization providing resources for families to help them thrive regarding topics such as strengthening families, stepparenting, life stages, information on current media, and more

The Voice of the Martyrs ( - educates public about persecuted Christians and ways to get involved in serving them

Samaritans Purse ( - organization provides spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world

LifeWay Christian Resources ( - part of the Southern Baptist Convention, provides resources for Bible studies, church music and supplies, Bibles, and events for many children, teens, and adults

P.S. I worked for LifeWay camps three summers as a staffer and I would never go to any other camp! There, I worked harder than any job I have worked before or since, but I would seriously work camp every day of my life! In my humble opinion, there is no higher quality camp for your children and teens. My children will definitely go when they are old enough! :)

As an example as an important event for American culture, Stand True Pro-Life Outreach is celebrating the 11th annual Pro-Life Day of Solidarity on October 20. Check out how to be a voice for the voiceless by giving up your voice for one day. Check out for more details!

Have a blessed day, y'all! Be brave. Be different. Be like Christ.



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