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hope and sunshine

Good afternoon, my sweet friends! My house is momentarily quiet as naps are taking place. Well, the two year old probably is not napping but in my mind, ignorance is bliss and quiet is quiet no matter how I get it. Besides, I like to remember we can always pick up any messes that are made in her room.

We have been to Chick-fil-A this morning for story time. I always love it. Maybe because I love everything about books. I used to want to be a librarian, in fact! When I was in middle school and homeschooled at the time, my younger siblings went to story time while my friends and I found books for ourselves. I checked out the maximum amount and often read them all before the next week. My own babies are just a cover for me to still go to story time! I was talking to some other ladies there who mentioned how far away from their families they are.

I often feel lonely because our families are so far away. I automatically felt a sense of camaraderie with them since I am not the only one far away from family. I'm talking a two-day trip to either side! It's time they get back down south of the Mason-Dixon Line! Until then, I feel like I have to be a "big girl" and figure many daily things out for myself. I am glad in some ways because I have grown tremendously as a person and I have to admit I am proud of being able to deal with stuff on my own. Let me just say that crutches with a broken ankle, two kids under two, and a sinus infection with fever makes for a miserable day! :) Sometimes, though, it would be fantastic to have a sister sit with me in person and laugh about ridiculous stuff because she has the same sense of humor I do! Thankfully He is here and He gives me strength to get through the tough days! I saw this verse posted on social media this morning and I love it!

"Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life."

Psalm 143:8

This is an excellent reminder when my alarm goes off in the morning and I feel overwhelmed by life that my Savior is doing life with me! Some days, I don't jump out of bed ready to start the day. Sometimes I lay there thinking about what needs to be done, hoping something will change. Yep, it never does! Still waiting to move, dealing with building a house, two kids under three and one on the way, laundry, fixing meals, working out, and trying to look like a somewhat put-together representation of myself gets crazy at times. Thank You Lord that each morning You are here and guide me!



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